Personal care

Relaxing massage

Enveloping and soft.

The relaxing massage is a restorative, revealing, liberating and unifying massage that improves the sleep quality and stress management.

It is enveloping and soft and provides immediate physical and mental well-being. It’s an invitation to let go and a good way to reconcile and reconnect with your body.
It is therefore an exclusive moment with oneself, relaxation and well-being.

The duration of a relaxing massage is 1h or 1h30’, according to your choice.
This massage can be done at home or in my wellness area.

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Balinese massage

Soft and invigorating, relaxing and energetic.

Balinese massage is a full and varied massage.
It is both soft and invigorating, relaxing and energetic. It balances and harmonises body and soul and also offers you deep relaxation.
It is practiced with hot oils, scented with essential oils from flowers and plants from Asia.
Balinese massage is an invitation to an inner journey, a moment with yourself allowing you to reconnect with your body and rebalance the energies as well as body and soul.

The duration of a Balinese massage is 1h or 1h30’, according to your choice.
This massage can be done at home or in my wellness area.

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Foot reflexology

Rebalancing the body.

Foot reflexology is a very specific massage technique, carried out by pressure, touch and friction on the reflex points of the feet.
It helps to remove stress and restore balance to the body in order to restore general well-being, physical, energetic and emotional.
It’s a moment of relaxation with unsuspected virtues.

The duration of a foot reflexology treatment is about 1h.
This massage can be done at home or in my wellness area.

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Hot stone massage

Harmonisation and relaxation.

The hot stone massage is carried out using heated basalt stones placed on the energy zones and points of the body, creating a flow of positive energy. It is coupled with a relaxing massage harmonising with oils to provide complete and regenerative relaxation.
It is a moment of relaxation of body and mind that reduces muscle tension, stimulates circulation and rebalances energy.

The duration of a hot stone massage is about 1h30’.
This massage is done exclusively in my wellness area.

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Prenatal massage

Softness and comfort.

Special moments of well-being for mom AND her baby.
The future mother is experiencing physical and emotional changes related to her pregnancy.
Prenatal massage therefore gives her better physical, mental and emotional well-being, as well as a special moment.
The baby will then be sensitive to the well-being of his mother during the massage and will also benefit from this moment of relaxation.
It is therefore a treatment that will relieve minor sores linked to pregnancy and brings comfort and softness to mom and baby.

This massage can be completed with a metamorphic technique care.

The duration of a Prenatal massage is 1h or 1h30’, according to your choice.
This massage can be done at home or in my wellness area.

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Shantala baby massage

Softness and connection.

As parents, you want to establish a strong bond with your child.
You can strengthen this bond by learning how to massage your baby.
The Shantala massage opens the doors to a world of sweetness and sharing with your child, a suspended and unique moment.
It is a beneficial and structuring massage for babies: it promotes their physical and mental development as well as their relaxation and muscular relaxation; it stimulates the immune system, helps digestion and elimination, improves breathing and blood circulation and promotes sleep.
You will have a special moment with your baby which will strengthen the parent-child connection. It will allow recognition of the parental identity and an unforgettable moment of sweetness and sharing.

The duration of a Shantala baby massage varies according to the baby's receptivity.
It takes about 2 hours, including learning the technique (1h) and some practical advice given to parents (1h).
This massage is done exclusively at home to leave both baby and parents in their cocoon.

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Metamorphic technique

Reconnection and release.

Metamorphic technique treatment consists of a massage of the reflex zones of the spine on the feet, hands and head, according to a temporal structure based on the intra-uterine life of the child from pre-conception to birth.
Very gentle, intuitive and repetitive massage which aims to reconnect the individual to his prenatal period in order to release the blockages registered in the cellular memory and which prevent from moving, acting and developing.
This massage is liberating for the pregnant woman and her baby and also for anyone experiencing change or conflict, or suffering from any type of disorder.

The duration of a metamorphic technique treatment is about 1h.
This massage can be done at home or in my wellness area.

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Lymphatic drainage (Vodder method)

Detoxify and stimulate.

Manual lymphatic drainage consists of pumping, pressure and friction carried out on the path of the lymphatic vessels and the nodes and is optimised by acupressure points.
This massage technique acts on blood circulation disorders, heavy legs, oedema, cellulite, and also helps in the elimination of toxins.
Lymphatic drainage is the ally of all: pregnant women, because it fights against water retention; athletes, because it facilitates the elimination of lactic acid.
It is also an ideal complement to slimming diets and detox cures because it promotes the elimination of waste.
Finally, it is beneficial for everyone because it boosts the immune system.
It is a gentle treatment that has many virtues and is very pleasant to receive.
A moment of relaxation combining the useful with the pleasant.

The duration of a lymphatic drainage treatment is about 1h30’.
This massage can be done at home or in my wellness area.

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Neuromuscular therapy

Relieve and harmonise.

Neuromuscular therapy is a gentle technique of rebalancing the body which works on the fascias, the muscle chains as well as on the balance of energies.
If you suffer from chronic pain or not, muscle trauma or stress, this method is ideal for you. Pain, even old, is quickly relieved and gives impressive results very quickly.
It is the must treatment that will also improve blood circulation, resolve problem areas, improve the sleep quality, increase muscles oxygenation and therefore have a better life quality.

The duration of a neuromuscular therapy treatment is about 1h30’.
This massage can be done at home or in my wellness area.

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Source of vital energy of the Universe.

Reiki, an energetic care from the East.
It is not a massage but a technique of laying on hands which allows the body and mind to relax. Reiki releases blocked energy and circulates it, resulting in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual purification and harmonisation.
It provides general well-being by reducing the stress and tensions in the body and mind.

The duration of a Reïki treatment is about 1h15’.
This energetic care can be done at home or in my wellness area.

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Theta Healing®

Do you want to make changes in your life, but you can't? You do not know why things are not going the way you want?
The Theta Healing® technique is for you.

This energetic care allows you to identify and remove negative subconscious beliefs and emotions that prevent you from advancing in life by replacing them with positive beliefs and feelings.
It is a real clearing job allowing you to make deep and lasting changes in your life in order to free yourself and be able to consciously move towards the life you want.

The duration of a Theta Healing® session is variable.
This energetic care is done exclusively in my wellness area.

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Access Bars®

Access Bars® is a technique of touching and activating 32 energy bars across and around the head. These bars connect to specific "bar points" and correspond to different places and aspects of life.
It is a fantastic energetic care treatment which releases the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and limiting beliefs accumulated during your life.
A fantastic opportunity to change or improve many aspects of your life, such as anxiety relief, better sleep, less stress, …

The duration of an Access Bars® session is 1h15’.
This energetic care can be done at home or in my wellness area.

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